Τρίτη 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

I am Jesus who brings forth this vision; 1 I call, I am suffering because I am counting you, My beloved, and I see you scattered and unaware of the dangers the devil has laid out for you; My Heart lacerates to see you so far away from Me!



I Am Peace

October 10, 1986

I am the Light; I, Jesus, want to warn you: never ever fall into traps set up by evil; never believe in any message which brings you unrest; do understand why evil is trying very hard to stop you; daughter, any message condemning My previous messages1 is from evil; the devil is trying once again to stop you and discourage you; I, who am your Saviour, am confirming to you that all the messages bearing calls of love and peace, leading those that are lost to find their way back to Me, are all from the Father and Me; so do not get discouraged, have faith in Me; remember, do not believe in any message that will leave your heart worried; I am Peace and peaceful you should feel;

1 First editions before the approach of the Cross.

October 16, 1986

peace be with you; beloved, rest; do not burden yourself more; I can feel how you are straining;
I felt Your Presence! Were You emphasising Your Presence, Jesus?
I am, I emphasised My Presence so that you understand; Vassula, I am fully aware of your capacity;
(That day I was particularly tired but I could not stop reading and working. I felt Jesus' Presence everywhere. He was trying to tell me something.)

October 22, 1986

I, God, delight to have you near Me; I love you, daughter; have faith in Me; in less than two months you will be hearing Me distinctively, 1 I will give you the support you want; My aim is to guide you; you will progress enormously in less than two months, for this is My will; I am your Teacher; all My teachings will enlighten your soul; remain near Me; Vassula, every time you feel miserable come to Me and I will console you, for you are My beloved; I never want to see any of My children miserable; they should come to Me and I will console them;

1 Prediction which came true. After six weeks I could hear His voice clearer.

October 23, 1986

Vassula, which house needs you more? I want you to choose;
Jesus, if You are asking me what is more important, Your House or mine, I would of course say "Your House"; and to choose, I choose Your House.
I bless you;
(Jesus seemed so pleased!)
I will guide you, little one;
come, take with you My Cross and follow Me; remember, I will help you; you will be My disciple; I will help you to reveal Me; I am Holy, I am Holy, so be Holy, live Holy; I will give you My support; Vassula, are you willing to work for Me?
Name Yourself again.
Jesus Christ;
Yes, I will work for You.
I love you; call Me when you wish;
(I was agreeing without really realising what it means to work for God. Since I love God I wanted to please Him. I never realised my incapacity!)
hear Me, listen to My cries, listen to My cries, can you see My Cross? I am Jesus who brings forth this vision;1 I call, I am suffering because I am counting you, My beloved, and I see you scattered and unaware of the dangers the devil has laid out for you; My Heart lacerates to see you so far away from Me!
(For a whole month, Jesus was giving me images of His Cross. Wherever I turned my head and looked in any direction, a huge dark-brown cross was standing. If I lifted my eyes from my plate, while eating, this enormous Cross was there. If I looked from within my mosquito-net, the Cross again. If I walked out and went to another room, to sit, or whatever, the Cross followed and it was there. For a month; it was as though it was haunting me.
Then another thing started to haunt me. That all that's happening is perhaps not from God. But then, if it was from the devil, how dumb can he get? I started to fear what people would say of this, what will happen to me. I will be mocked!)
daughter, daughter, live in peace!
(I was suspicious.)
Who is it?
it is I, Jesus, remain near Me; I have been calling you for years; I wanted you to love Me, Vassula ...
Jesus, when was the first time You called me?
the time you were going to Lebanon; I called you in your sleep; you saw Me; remember how I pulled you towards Me, calling you?
Yes, I remember, I was very frightened. I was about ten. I was frightened by Your force that pulled me. It felt like a strong current, like a magnet pulling a small magnet. I tried to resist and pull away, but I couldn't until I found myself stuck on You, then I woke up.
(I found it strange that Jesus reminded me of this dream; and how I could remember it still.)

Πέμπτη 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

I blame all those who discourage My countenance to My children to come to Me; whoever teaches that to be able to be with Me or be accepted by Me should be pure or worthy are those who are damaging My Church; any man having found Me, but is discouraged by others, I, who am Infinite Strength, will support him, giving him My Strength;

Jesus asked me to tell you to always take my name, Vassula, out of the messages and replace it with your name.   You will hear Him then speaking to you, re-animating your soul to move, aspire and breathe in His Glory.   God will draw you very delicately into His Heart so that you no longer belong to yourself but to the One who moves you in union with Their Oneness (The Holy Trinity)


September 27, 1986
peace be with you; Vassula, come to Me, I am your Redeemer, your Peace; I lived on earth among you, in flesh; I am God's Begotten Son; come to Me and lean your head on Me; I am your Consoler; when you feel miserable remember, I am near you;
recite with Me this Prayer:
help me Father
and lead me to Your pastures of repose,
where everlasting pure water flows,
be my Light to show me the Way;
with You by your side will I walk;
with You illuminating me will I talk;
Father, Beloved, remain within me
to have Peace, to feel Your Love;
I will follow You in Your footsteps;
with You I will remain;
enlighten me, love me,
be with me here and forever after;
(Jesus had come to show me this prayer.)

September 28, 1986

(Today Jesus gave me a clear vision (intellectual vision) of myself in nowhere. My surrounding looked like I was in marshlands with no one around and my spirit seemed lost. Among the dry trees I saw Jesus looking for me.)
I am here; it is I, Jesus; I have found you; come, let Me show you the way back; hear Me: I Jesus am the Way; every time you feel lost, call Me; I will come to you and I will show you the way; I am the Way;

September 30, 1986

peace be with you daughter;
Please, Jesus, give me light to be able to feel You and write. 1
Vassula, lip-service means the call is meaningless;
(I realised my mistake. I asked Jesus this favour without love, without thinking, without really feeling it. I repeated it but really meaning every word and raising my soul to Him.)
deliver your call to Me, feeling Me2 like this time; I, God, feel; I feel all; I must receive from your call, love from the depths of your soul, needing Me, loving Me, meaning every word you say; I, God, exist and I feel; any call which is lip-service might as well stay buried; lip-services are calls bellowing from graves; remember, I exist and feel; I wish that all My children work, giving Me joy;

1 I need to feel God's Presence.
2 Being aware of God's Presence.

October 5, 1986

(I'm reading a book in which many people reported "experiences with God", but almost all those people are told by 'experts' that they should forget what they experienced because it's not God; they tell them that only highly elevated souls experience these things from God and one has to be highly elevated too. As I know I'm none of this and far from good, I decided to stop these meetings by writing with God; I might as well 'pack-up' the whole thing. They seemed to say that to reach God you have to be a saint and they made me believe God is so far. So I will drop the whole thing, leaving my hand to write for the last time what it wants, led by "the force" that has been writing all these months.)
Vassula! do not leave Me, beloved, be calling on Me and be learning from Me; remember, I am beside you all the time; I, God, am living in you; believe Me, I am the Almighty, the Eternal God;
No. It can't be. It can't be God. Those that know would prove to me that it is not God. Only highly pure souls who are worthy, God reaches giving such graces.
I am not beyond reach! Vassula, I do not refuse anybody; I blame all those who discourage My countenance to My children to come to Me; whoever teaches that to be able to be with Me or be accepted by Me should be pure or worthy are those who are damaging My Church; any man having found Me, but is discouraged by others, I, who am Infinite Strength, will support him, giving him My Strength; why, why do I have men who call themselves experts, judging whether I am or not, banning every possibility, leaving My children disconsolate and helpless and disillusioned, disregarding all My graces, pulling away My children from Me; why are all My given blessings rejected; blessings that I gave; I am Infinite Wealth;
daughter, when you had finally found Me, I was full of happiness; I was careful not to frighten you away; I was being gentle, treating you like a mother handling her infant; I made you approach Me; I was full of happiness calling you and meeting you, having you near Me, sharing everything I have, My beloved; and now, you come telling Me that you are thinking of leaving Me, because I, God, am impossible to reach and that you were given information that only worthy souls can reach Me and that you are below the standard required! I never deny any soul; I offer My graces even to the most wretched;
delight Me and meet Me in this way; I bless you, daughter; I am guiding you; you are eating from Me; Vassula, read today 1 Peter; read attentively, then I will relate it to you; read the first chapter; live with faith; Peter teaches you to have faith;
(Jesus made me understand many things with the word 'faith'; that one can make mountains move by faith. One has to believe blindly, if you wish.)

Δευτέρα 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

I blame all those who discourage My countenance to My children to come to Me; whoever teaches that to be able to be with Me or be accepted by Me should be pure or worthy are those who are damaging My Church;

Jesus asked me to tell you to always take my name, Vassula, out of the messages and replace it with your name.   You will hear Him then speaking to you, re-animating your soul to move, aspire and breathe in His Glory.   God will draw you very delicately into His Heart so that you no longer belong to yourself but to the One who moves you in union with Their Oneness (The Holy Trinity)


October 5, 1986

(I'm reading a book in which many people reported "experiences with God", but almost all those people are told by 'experts' that they should forget what they experienced because it's not God; they tell them that only highly elevated souls experience these things from God and one has to be highly elevated too. As I know I'm none of this and far from good, I decided to stop these meetings by writing with God; I might as well 'pack-up' the whole thing. They seemed to say that to reach God you have to be a saint and they made me believe God is so far. So I will drop the whole thing, leaving my hand to write for the last time what it wants, led by "the force" that has been writing all these months.)
Vassula! do not leave Me, beloved, be calling on Me and be learning from Me; remember, I am beside you all the time; I, God, am living in you; believe Me, I am the Almighty, the Eternal God;
No. It can't be. It can't be God. Those that know would prove to me that it is not God. Only highly pure souls who are worthy, God reaches giving such graces.
I am not beyond reach! Vassula, I do not refuse anybody; I blame all those who discourage My countenance to My children to come to Me; whoever teaches that to be able to be with Me or be accepted by Me should be pure or worthy are those who are damaging My Church; any man having found Me, but is discouraged by others, I, who am Infinite Strength, will support him, giving him My Strength; why, why do I have men who call themselves experts, judging whether I am or not, banning every possibility, leaving My children disconsolate and helpless and disillusioned, disregarding all My graces, pulling away My children from Me; why are all My given blessings rejected; blessings that I gave; I am Infinite Wealth;
daughter, when you had finally found Me, I was full of happiness; I was careful not to frighten you away; I was being gentle, treating you like a mother handling her infant; I made you approach Me; I was full of happiness calling you and meeting you, having you near Me, sharing everything I have, My beloved; and now, you come telling Me that you are thinking of leaving Me, because I, God, am impossible to reach and that you were given information that only worthy souls can reach Me and that you are below the standard required! I never deny any soul; I offer My graces even to the most wretched;
delight Me and meet Me in this way; I bless you, daughter; I am guiding you; you are eating from Me; Vassula, read today 1 Peter; read attentively, then I will relate it to you; read the first chapter; live with faith; Peter teaches you to have faith;
(Jesus made me understand many things with the word 'faith'; that one can make mountains move by faith. One has to believe blindly, if you wish.)

October 10, 1986

I am the Light; I, Jesus, want to warn you: never ever fall into traps set up by evil; never believe in any message which brings you unrest; do understand why evil is trying very hard to stop you; daughter, any message condemning My previous messages1 is from evil; the devil is trying once again to stop you and discourage you; I, who am your Saviour, am confirming to you that all the messages bearing calls of love and peace, leading those that are lost to find their way back to Me, are all from the Father and Me; so do not get discouraged, have faith in Me; remember, do not believe in any message that will leave your heart worried; I am Peace and peaceful you should feel;

1 First editions before the approach of the Cross.

October 16, 1986

peace be with you; beloved, rest; do not burden yourself more; I can feel how you are straining;
I felt Your Presence! Were You emphasising Your Presence, Jesus?
I am, I emphasised My Presence so that you understand; Vassula, I am fully aware of your capacity;
(That day I was particularly tired but I could not stop reading and working. I felt Jesus' Presence everywhere. He was trying to tell me something.)

October 16, 1986

peace be with you; beloved, rest; do not burden yourself more; I can feel how you are straining;
I felt Your Presence! Were You emphasising Your Presence, Jesus?
I am, I emphasised My Presence so that you understand; Vassula, I am fully aware of your capacity;
(That day I was particularly tired but I could not stop reading and working. I felt Jesus' Presence everywhere. He was trying to tell me something.)


October 23, 1986

Vassula, which house needs you more? I want you to choose;
Jesus, if You are asking me what is more important, Your House or mine, I would of course say "Your House"; and to choose, I choose Your House.
I bless you;
(Jesus seemed so pleased!)
I will guide you, little one;
come, take with you My Cross and follow Me; remember, I will help you; you will be My disciple; I will help you to reveal Me; I am Holy, I am Holy, so be Holy, live Holy; I will give you My support; Vassula, are you willing to work for Me?
Name Yourself again.
Jesus Christ;
Yes, I will work for You.
I love you; call Me when you wish;
(I was agreeing without really realising what it means to work for God. Since I love God I wanted to please Him. I never realised my incapacity!)
hear Me, listen to My cries, listen to My cries, can you see My Cross? I am Jesus who brings forth this vision;1 I call, I am suffering because I am counting you, My beloved, and I see you scattered and unaware of the dangers the devil has laid out for you; My Heart lacerates to see you so far away from Me!
(For a whole month, Jesus was giving me images of His Cross. Wherever I turned my head and looked in any direction, a huge dark-brown cross was standing. If I lifted my eyes from my plate, while eating, this enormous Cross was there. If I looked from within my mosquito-net, the Cross again. If I walked out and went to another room, to sit, or whatever, the Cross followed and it was there. For a month; it was as though it was haunting me.
Then another thing started to haunt me. That all that's happening is perhaps not from God. But then, if it was from the devil, how dumb can he get? I started to fear what people would say of this, what will happen to me. I will be mocked!)
daughter, daughter, live in peace!
(I was suspicious.)
Who is it?
it is I, Jesus, remain near Me; I have been calling you for years; I wanted you to love Me, Vassula ...
Jesus, when was the first time You called me?
the time you were going to Lebanon; I called you in your sleep; you saw Me; remember how I pulled you towards Me, calling you?
Yes, I remember, I was very frightened. I was about ten. I was frightened by Your force that pulled me. It felt like a strong current, like a magnet pulling a small magnet. I tried to resist and pull away, but I couldn't until I found myself stuck on You, then I woke up.
(I found it strange that Jesus reminded me of this dream; and how I could remember it still.)

1 I saw a huge dark Cross.

Κυριακή 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

I am the Light and I shine for everybody to see; have no fear, My Path is straight; My Path will lead you to Me; I will meet you and you will recognise Me, for I radiate Peace and Love;

Jesus asked me to tell you to always take my name, Vassula, out of the messages and replace it with your name.   You will hear Him then speaking to you, re-animating your soul to move, aspire and breathe in His Glory.   God will draw you very delicately into His Heart so that you no longer belong to yourself but to the One who moves you in union with Their Oneness (The Holy Trinity)


September 20, 19861

Peace be with you;
Can I be with You?
yes, you are with Me; I am the Light;
Can I be near You?
you are near Me; you are in Me; I am the Light;
Can You shelter me?
you are sheltered by Me;
Can I lean on You?
you can lean on Me;
I need Your Strength to keep my Faith;
you are given Strength;
I need Your Love;
you are loved by Me;
I am the Light and I shine for everybody to see; have no fear, My Path is straight; My Path will lead you to Me; I will meet you and you will recognise Me, for I radiate Peace and Love;
come to Me; can you see Me? can you hear Me? do not be afraid; do not just stand there in the dark; see, your limbs are healed, you can walk again, see, your sight is back; 2 I healed you; I have healed your shame and your sins are washed away by Me; use your limbs to walk to Me; your eyes to see Me, your faith to meet Me; I am your Redeemer; I am your Peace; I, Jesus, love all of you;

1 This is written after the Purification.

2 All of this is metaphoric.

September 27, 1986

peace be with you; Vassula, come to Me, I am your Redeemer, your Peace; I lived on earth among you, in flesh; I am God's Begotten Son; come to Me and lean your head on Me; I am your Consoler; when you feel miserable remember, I am near you;
recite with Me this Prayer:
help me Father
and lead me to Your pastures of repose,
where everlasting pure water flows,
be my Light to show me the Way;
with You by your side will I walk;
with You illuminating me will I talk;
Father, Beloved, remain within me
to have Peace, to feel Your Love;
I will follow You in Your footsteps;
with You I will remain;
enlighten me, love me,
be with me here and forever after;
(Jesus had come to show me this prayer.)

September 28, 1986

(Today Jesus gave me a clear vision (intellectual vision) of myself in nowhere. My surrounding looked like I was in marshlands with no one around and my spirit seemed lost. Among the dry trees I saw Jesus looking for me.)
I am here; it is I, Jesus; I have found you; come, let Me show you the way back; hear Me: I Jesus am the Way; every time you feel lost, call Me; I will come to you and I will show you the way; I am the Way;

September 30, 1986

peace be with you daughter;
Please, Jesus, give me light to be able to feel You and write. 1
Vassula, lip-service means the call is meaningless;
(I realised my mistake. I asked Jesus this favour without love, without thinking, without really feeling it. I repeated it but really meaning every word and raising my soul to Him.)
deliver your call to Me, feeling Me2 like this time; I, God, feel; I feel all; I must receive from your call, love from the depths of your soul, needing Me, loving Me, meaning every word you say; I, God, exist and I feel; any call which is lip-service might as well stay buried; lip-services are calls bellowing from graves; remember, I exist and feel; I wish that all My children work, giving Me joy;

1 I need to feel God's Presence.

2 Being aware of God's Presence.

Σάββατο 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

These messages are a call to our real foundations and a reminder of His Word and of His existence. As God Himself told Vassula: "Tell them that this message is not given to them to draw sensation, but to make them realize the urgency of their conversion, the gravity of the condition of their soul, the importance of changing their life and live holy."

Jesus asked me to tell you to always take my name, Vassula, out of the messages and replace it with your name.   You will hear Him then speaking to you, re-animating your soul to move, aspire and breathe in His Glory.   God will draw you very delicately into His Heart so that you no longer belong to yourself but to the One who moves you in union with Their Oneness (The Holy Trinity)


An Introduction To The Messages

When God speaks in these messages we do not fail to notice the tone of hope that He is giving us. Yes, He would reprimand us many times, since He is Father, and like any father reprimands his children when they do wrong, so does our Father in Heaven, but He does it with love for He is Love and He created us out of love to return this love to Him.
These messages reveal God's intimate image towards His creatures and what He asks from each one of us is to become intimate with Him too so that we get to know Him. Nevertheless, He reminds us never to forget that He is Holy and asks us to put into practice the "fear of the Lord", too.
These messages are a call to our real foundations and a reminder of His Word and of His existence. As God Himself told Vassula: "Tell them that this message is not given to them to draw sensation, but to make them realize the urgency of their conversion, the gravity of the condition of their soul, the importance of changing their life and live holy."
In these messages there is a plea from Christ for the churches to unite, especially for the unification of the dates of Easter. There are many references in the messages on the great apostasy that had been foretold by St. Paul in 2Th., ch.2 and of the spirit of rebellion in our times that is so powerful. This spirit of rebellion now has penetrated like smoke into the church influencing bishops and priests (Catholic) to turn against their own shepherd (the Pope). Christ is calling them back, to remain loyal to the Pope. But the triumph over evil is not far now and the Two Hearts (the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus) will triumph over this evil.
There is a call for recognizing the presence of Christ in his divinity and in the Eucharist and recognizing Mary as the Mother of God. There are more than 5 thousand references to the Holy Spirit and profound teachings on the action of the Holy Spirit.
Then God reveals prophetic messages on Russia's church, saying that Russia will be the country that will glorify Him more than any other country and that she will be the head (spiritually) of many nations. But what is more striking in these messages is the tenderness of God He shows towards us, revealing His infinite goodness and mercy. The description given by Christ on God, gives us a good summary of His portrait: "My Father is a King, yet so motherly, a Judge, yet so tender and loving. He is the Alpha and the Omega, yet so meek."
In these messages God is trying to revive in us what is dead. This is why He pours out His Holy Spirit on us to bring us back to Him, to live a true Life in Him. He promises us that soon there will be an outpour of the Holy Spirit on humanity, such as never before in history, that will transfigure the whole earth. This is the hope we are all looking for.
There are many parts of Scriptures from the book of Revelations and the book of the Prophet Daniel that have been unsealed to us by Jesus Christ in these messages.
Why is God so anxious to reveal Himself so powerfully again in our times if it is not so that He saves us? When He says in one message: "I look at the earth today and wish I never did ... My eyes see what I never wanted to see and my ears hear what I dreaded to ever hear! My heart, as a father, sinks with grief. I fashioned man to have My image, yet they have degraded themselves and today so many of them have taken the likeness of the beast! (the devil). My heart pains me, for I see to the ends of the earth and what I see is not according to my heart's desires ... your Father rules everything, but not your freedom, and man has perverted his freedom..."
For this, God our Creator has to intervene once more in our times.
In the Two Hearts,

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